In the Moment

First Principals of consciousness. To seek positive feedback loops to our instincts to survive, a pursuit of happiness. Finding and consuming those things that reaffirm our stories. Religion, Good food, friends, ice cream. While building sustainable nutrient base for our bodies. An instinct that consumer culture has radicalized into obsessions.

To raise ourselves to the common level of human emotion

Egyption description of the day.

Imagine - The first word of a thought experiment

Ability to do complex story formation from evolving highly memorable mapping skills is the modern Homo sapiens thought experiment. In the grandest of the universe it may be the only thought experiment and that is one of its values.

The convergence of knowledge and the new comprehensions of the universe at all levels within the last several generations is a significant change in their creative abilities of the species.

We can see creative examples of resource convergence as demonstrated by Elon musk. This person represents A complex but organized convergence of invention expertise and material. The same effervescence of mental and social processes can be demonstrated in many levels of an ecological society.

Mine and experience can be translated from the wave energies converging on an individual. Also converging or mental construct our past and have stories we are woven into the moment as a way to determine the path into the future.

The word imagine is a portal into creating a thought experiment.

Carbon Footprint

Solar Islands

Analog Sky

New human species discovered in the Philippines (the island effect)

neurons in old age

Tesla design

Examining Cognition - Algorithms to Live By


I'm biology


Seafood Eaters

eating starch 100,000 years ago


lunar crater


"The most intriguing (aspect) is that they are produced in a complicated yet systematic way—and that seems to be the signature of a human group that shares a common technical and cultural background."

early humans in mongolia

Genetic Adaption happens in the testes

Human Systems of planetary scale (physical and distributed collaboration) include combined telescopes that see distant black holes.

Future Evolution of Empathy

Neurons simulate other's decisions

Colonialist viral aggression started the anthracene - source document

Super computer processing of Galaxy Cluster Formation

Our sun is at least third generation star, thus containing the heavy elements formed by the forces of multiple supernovas.

Every part of us, very molecule, except for the hydrogen had to have been created by a super nova. (the creation of heavy elements).

Goldy Locks position in the Galaxy

Goldy Locks Galaxy (most other galaxies have more massive blackholes thus too much radiation)

The other side of history

In The

self perception


Air conditioners

Being Present as a way to save the world and yourself.

Life is what happens while people are busy making plans

Memory in the moment

Monitoring CO2



Tesla Carbon Impact


Zeitgeist minds


Ghia Consciousness


Owning a dog is influenced by genetic makeup

Atomic Clock


Farmers have less leasure time than hunter gatherers

The built Thread: Arrival of essential nutrients

long term memory

exploding star

link to trends

Now is the moment of truth: make the best of it.

Make one: Change of Habit, observation of history, link. beneficial impact, basic promotions

Exogenous benefits


Personal Discovery


Cascade of action oriented options that change the course

New routines shaped by conscious choice

Reviewed examples for a healthy moment.





Toward powered snow (laying new tracks)


Immediate actions that set a course for healthy change.

Old Dog New Tricks

anatomical remnants

By proven understanding of behaviors of natural systems within the body, such as the gut time-clock genes, we can extrapolate intelligent behavior throughout the human system.

As Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts, time moves differently depending on where you are in a gravity field.

Dyson Sphere

Anti Biotic Resistent Genes in ground water

A clock on top of a tall mountain—far from Earth's center—will tick a tiny bit faster than a clock at the base of that same mountain.

Just as the need for essentail fatty acids, humans need external resources to feed the contining contruction of the exepiment. there is no Rotating locomotion in living systems but the mental system adapts wheels in the real world.

asteroid dust cools earth for life

light cone

Ytube evolution of countries

model parts

Joseph LeDoux

mining earth's ore bodies

Dance Sphere

Aquasphere enclosure

Our friends in the gut

Gut Biom

1,000 trillion solar masses

Generating Enthusiasm

Joy and awe. Joy at new insight. Hi there!


Life Cycle assessment

Eco-management and audit

Extended energy accounting.


energy language

Beware of mixing physics terms with social emotions

collision of galaxy clusters

Eventually all four clusters—each with a mass of at least several hundred trillion times that of the sun—will merge to form one of the most massive objects in the universe.

Starvation recovery generates more neurons


learning methods

there are about 5 million kilometers of neural wiring packed into our skulls—more than 10 times longer than all highways on Earth.

Fire making was early learning from teaching, perhaps also by neanders

Maui Star Gazing Company Telescopes

Dobson 12"

Essentially all models are wrong, but some are useful. - George E.P. Box

White Dwarfs, the remant bodies of sun-like stars have oxidized dust of earth-like materials created by tectonics, magnetic cores, and atmospheres proving earth like planets are common.

Is earth on fire?

A Thought Experiment

A dream of Kenneth meeting him before he dies knowing that he will soon, but seeing him as a much younger version of himself, surrounded by a soap bubble like film. The dream triggers revelation of us being water borne creatures (spectral light) seeking to understand mind. and having dreams and the events of reality all frameworks toward comprehension of our role in the universe to witness itself. This morning, (Friday May 17, 2019) many things came together in the waking state of this dream, where the story of conflicts of people who themselves are lined up in a procession of an altered experience are all seeking a similar understanding. These demons in my dream reflect the reality of people in the previous day who were venting their frustrations in getting the order they wanted at Starbucks, they wanted so bad to get the thin that would fulfill them. The people of my conscious reality were signaling the effort we all have of trying to find perfection , trying to experience the first principals of peace of mind, and the pursuit of happiness.

ecological civilization

Transitional implosions of energy use through prescriptive commitments followed by personal actions.

if x people ride bus then buses improve. jobs, comfort, speed.


Goodwill projects can happen at all levels of economics. wealth benefactors can reward a system of positive gestures to stimulate a service economy.

Ecological epistemology. Mind in Nature. Modern Human years is a vibrant thought experiment.

With that experiment is a system of mapping and group decision process that supersedes band size living groups

Pinnacle point

Evolution of EDA Omega three es-Quantum

Fire and the last big global warming

Thought experiment Keck Telescopes.

As the universe gets older the periodic chart gets built and in its elements align with each other in the various gravitational options.

The universe is a set of weight forms that we enjoy from the convergences of certain wave energies that create us.

It converges right into your Cone

One result of these convergent waveforms is thought.

Play is ancient and cross species. A source of joy, enjoyment.

I think there's something, everything, good about reframing, and the dance of history, and the debate of history and where our present comes from. And that we should always engage in that debate rather than invest in a objective truth of the past. - Kelly Lytle Hernandez.

The human story is a thought experiment. This may be a broad interpretation because it is in book every time you begin a sentence with imagine.

And then the internal or X ternal narrator starts to project the pathways of decision based on a future imagination of

With highly selective capabilities and filters to be able to socialize trade in innovate.

Looking for visivious man. A Dance a way to walk.

Systems sensation.


Democracy of systems cadence. Hi

Systems montisorri.


Appreciate and understandable complexity of things.

The human story is a thought experiment. This may be a broad interpretation because it is in book every time you begin a sentence with imagine.

And then the internal or X ternal narrator starts to project the pathways of decision based on a future imagination of

With highly selective capabilities and filters to be able to socialize trade in innovate.

Looking for visivious man. A Dance a way to walk.

Systems sensation.


Democracy of systems cadence. Hi

Systems montisorri.


Appreciate and understandable complexity of things.